We are happy to announce that the next Spring School will be hosted by Linköping University from the 24th of May until the 28th 2018. Followed up by the 10th CIRP Conference on IPS2
This school aims at facilitating the participant to learn the interplays between different areas relevant to Circular Economy. The areas are: business model, governmental policy, product/service design, user behaviour, and supply chain management. The course also aims at supporting the participant to carry out or reflect upon his/her research with a transdisciplinary approach.
Lecturers: Ken Webster, Ellen MacArthur Foundation; Christian Kowalkowski, Linköping University; Erik Sundin, Linköping University and Tomohiko Sakao, Linköping University
More updates to be posted soon.
The Circ€Uit Team, 12 February 2018