20 Sep Recovery Strategies Management (ESR 6)
Recovery Strategies Management (ESR 6)
How to implement an efficient product recovery system in a product life cycle using the principles of circular economy?
Circular economy offers new opportunities for companies to facilitate effective flows of resources, with the goal of keeping products, components, and materials at their highest use and value. However, general end-of-life (EoL) product recovery decision-making methodology, to aid industries in selecting a suitable alternative recovery strategy and recover their product, is missing. The aim of this thesis is to develop an efficient product recovery management system to recover EoL products by taking into account product characteristics, EoL processes and business models, in order to optimize the end of use scenarios for products and to maximize the material/value recovered. By modelling and analysing EoL product recovery strategies, practical solutions will be developed to aid companies in the EoL decision making process.

Yohannes Admassu Alamerew
Ph.D. Candidate
School of Industrial Engineering, G-SCOP research laboratory, Grenoble Institute of Engineering (Grenoble INP)

Promotor & Supervisor:
Prof. Daniel Brissaud
Professor, School of Industrial Engineering, G-SCOP research laboratory, Grenoble Institute of Engineering (Grenoble INP)
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